
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Yoga with the unicorn

OM Yogis,

Its great to have you here.
This week I'm offering five recordings working with the unicorn!
These are audio files just click on each link to access.
This practice really nurtures the beloved but often forgotten child within. My intention for this practice is that it creates a space where the scared, overwhelmed, wounded child aspect of self can receive care, protection and  understanding from the responsible loving aspect of adult self.

A good practice to Develop Deep self care and unconditional understanding.

Please please please create a sacred and quiet space for yourself to practice. Light some candles , burn incense or resins. Set intention that your space hold and heal you.

Make sure you are warm enough, have blankets at the ready and wear layers if you tend to feel the cold. Block off any drafts. Get Cosy!
Make sure family members know not to disturb you - turn your phone on to silent.
Let this time be devoted to YOU. You are a beloved child of the universe. Give this precious child your full attention just for this time. As much as anyone - You deserve Love, space and peace.

Full practice Video Link

Unicorn 1 'Safe to face'  15 mins
Suitable for beginners
Safe to face

This section is some yoga for the face. Our Face works so hard. This is a chance to say thanks. Its also an opportunity for the child self to be free to 'pull a face'and explore some self expression!
Props - cushion chair or block to sit upon
Poses - seated.

Unicorn 2 'settle down and release' 20 mins
Settle down and release

This section drops us into our hips. The home of the wounded inner child. Also an area where we tend to dump our junk. I've heard the hips being called the junk drawer the place we put things when we don't know what to do with them. This section gives us a chance to settle into what might be difficult and let it soften.
Props - blanket
Poses - low lunge / pigeon / cow faced or gomukasana legs/ cobblers / Janu A / forward fold / table top.

Unicorn 3 'accept support' 20 mins
Suitable for beginners
Accept Support

Sometimes the inner child gets so strung out or hurt that he/she forgets how to allow self nurture.
Can we just cease to do and just be? This section explores our ability to be supported.
Props - rolled up towel or small thin blanket to go along the length of the spine.
Wall space or chair.
Poses - supported savasana / supported low bridge / legs up the wall / Cobblers .

Unicorn 4 'Parent and child'  20mins
Suitable for beginners
Parent and Child

Use breath, Mudra, affirmation, and self massage to feel your child self enter into the sacred embrace of the mother energies.
Props - cushion or block
Poses - seated / happy baby / reclined cobblers / Savasana.

'Unicorn meditation' Suitable for beginners (15 mins)
Unicorn meditation

Read from Alexis Cartwrights 'child of light' meditations. 15 mins
This meditation supports us to move through difficult emotions of loss, rejection or grief.
It helps us energetically interact with those who we might feel separated from.
It enhances feelings of love and encourages inner creativity and child like wonder.

These practices can be done as short stand alones  BUT If you can make the time their potency is best activated as one entire very soft heart based practice/ experience.

I hope they are of use, If so please feel welcome to share with loved ones.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Special thanks to,
Alexis Cartwright 'Child of light' meditations.
Nareena Gaia  'restore the light of your divine child' teachings.
Usha - Beloved Child. Beautiful Mother.
And the Unicorns!

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