
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Yoga with the Hare

OM Yogis,
Welcome to this practice with the Hare. We will look at how animals are so much more advanced than us when it comes to releasing tension in the moment. And how they use movement to shake off  anxiety before it takes root.
Today's movements also work with the lymphatic system - which are the organs and tissues that team together to release toxins.
Hopefully this will leave us with some fresh insight and respect for our amazing body wisdom.

A good practice to Shake off and out / catch up with self / release 


Hare 1 (27 Mins)
Asanas : I think these are all pretty easy to decipher!?! Hopefully!
Props : Cushion or block to sit on

Hare 2 (33 mins)
Asanas : Same as above.
Props : Same again! Please adjust the movements to suit your body. Feel welcome to sit out what is not appropriate or appealing! You can dip in and out of these movements too.

Fearless Meditation (20 mins)
A meditation to release fear from the Subtle body working with the 'Root' 'Heart' and '3rd eye'.
Suitable for beginners

Thank you to
Alexis Cartwright's 'animal magic cards'
Nareena Gaia
Transference Healing - for ongoing release :)
Becky May - embrace the shake! ;)
Kia Miller
The Hare.

My Musings with the Hare....

"I offered someone a lift, and approaching the car I said ' I hope you don't mind, it might be hairy' He looked worried. I realised he didn't know I was referring to dog hair but instead thought I was a reckless driver. Very funny.

This draws a  great comparison . The hare and associations with fear. Running scared. or caught in the head lights.

When I look into my energetic body I can feel a lot of movement. Speed. There is energy running for sure. I ponder the difference between, fear, excitement, and high energy. These experiences often blur into each other. They are fast, they become a blur.

I think about the Hare. How animals release fear and trauma by shaking it off. Check it out. Animals shake stuff off a lot. 
Humans on the other hand often suppress the emotional responses and store them inside. 'I will deal with it later - right now it's not safe to show how I really feel.' 'Shit maybe its not even safe to 'feel' how I really feel'. 

I look inside my energy body. And I feel that which I have stored for later. I see how I froze like a rabbit in the headlights. Lumps and bumps of stuck energies. Not very funny. A hazardous road for sure.

This freezing up, this human taught suppression,  is in direct opposition with the highly charged movement of fear or trauma or even excitement. 
If I brace myself against it, I shall  create a 'fight'. A fight inside of self.
Stuck in opposition. Unable to move. Worse still. So afraid - Unable to feel. Disconnected from self. Unsure of the way forwards or back.
 And it's the dissonance of this situation that shakes inside , not so much fear itself.
The fear of fear. Frozen in vibration. Shaking but still.. Disconnected from how I feel, and how to feel. Floored. Trapped. Cornered.
 Dissonance is heavily stressing for all  human beings.

The Hare teaches 'Flight'. As I work with the hare I am encouraged to move faster. To catch up with myself. To run with the fear. The hare chases the fear out of me. I am not running away. I am alongside. Bounding. Accelerating. Creating a spring in my step. Instead of being afraid or ashamed of fear. The Hare runs alongside it.

I think of how athletes or actors prepare to perform.. they move..they make noise..They make ready. They make ready to step into the adrenaline.

I look into my energy body. I see how I'm shifting in vibration to catch up with held fear...It moves and I move. I work here. I step into. I leap into it.  I work with. I do not try to be rid of. I work with. I come into a relationship with what shakes, with what blurs, With the speed inside. 

Eventually I slow down, or does it slow down?  - I feel my energy settle, I settle. Has the fear been released or integrated? I do not know. 
But it is still and I am still.. I have caught up with myself. Thanks to the wisdom of the hare. 

Today the hare taught me to get moving. 

To face self - to know self.

To RUN energy to meet self.

To catch self - and calm self.

Now I am Hare. (sorry!) 
And for Now I am free of the burden of fear. ( woo hoo!! boing!)" 

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

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