
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Yoga with the Seahorse

OM yogis,

Welcome to a practice with the seahorse. We will dive on into balancing polarity, in a practice that looks at the relationship between the Sacrum and the Cranium and other pairs of opposites.

A good practice to Explore / balance / Stabilise 

Practice video

Seahorse 1 (27 mins)
Undulating movements / Kapalabhati pranayama
Asanas included : cat-cow / low lunge / uttanasana / malasana

Seahorse 2 (35 mins)
Asanas included : Tree / high lunge twists / Camel / Low lunge / pigeon / fire log /

Inner triangle Meditation (12 mins)
Looking at prana and apana - opposing forces finding balance.
Suitable for beginners.

Spinal undulations (10 mins)
Small and mighty lower back care!
Suitable for beginners.

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright
Tias little
Tara Judelle
And the Seahorses!

My Seahorse musings....
Fluidity. The healing of flow.
Feeling point and counter point.
Rocking gently between polarities - rocking horse.
Becoming aware of the opposing centres- top to bottom, and bottom to top.
One must feed the other.
Male and female. Suppress one - suppress both. The inequality is illusory. One must feed the other. Or both will suffer. Male and female - each giving role and vitality to the other. One must feed the other.
Finding balance between both. Both. Balance.
Tail supports head.
Head drops down to tail and rests.
All triangles balance.
Into potential beautiful geometry of opposition. - Sri Yantra.
Trust that it could come.
Let go, and drop the sacrum -like an anchor bone sinking deep, deep down.
Gentle Coaxing.
Rock a bye
Seahorse. Rest."

Please Note - Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session From May 2020.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

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