Today's yoga is inspired by the beautiful Selendyne.
This is a series of pranayama practices, that you can build upon over the coming months.
Taking us through the foundations of belly and full yogic breathing to a full Anuloma Viloma pranayama with retention. We look at the purity of breath and how by practicing this pranayama we can pull in more pranic elements and purify energetically through the Nadi System. In preparation to work with other pranayamas and the kundalini. Or just to increase our energy levels and respiratory health.
A practice to simplify / find subtlety / shift energy
This is a step by step practice that is suitable for beginners.
Please set sacred space to practice.
Abdominal Breathing (15 mins)
Begin with this practice and feel welcome to stay with this until it's second nature. It's foundational for all the other practices. Relaxing and preparing the nervous system for pranayama.
Full yogic Breathing (10 mins)
Once you have Abdominal breathing established, move on to this. Learn to breathe a 3 part breath using full lung capacity.
Single Nostril Breathing (15 mins)
So moving on from the last two practices, we get used to breathing consciously, to a count, out of each nostril separately. So eventually we breathe from both sides evenly.
Alternate Nostril Breathing without retention (15 mins)
Next up we practice switching to and from each side - left and right - Ida and Pingala - Sun and Moon - Balancing.
Full Anuloma Viloma (15 mins)
Once all the above practices are established and can be done without strain, you're ready to move on to this. We add the retention to increase prana - as prana concentrates as it rises . We balance out and fully purify the nadis. This pranayama is foundational preparation for all others.
Breath Meditation (15 mins)
"If you can do something with the breath, you will suddenly turn to the present.
If you can do something with the breath, you will attain to the source of life.
If you can do something with the breath, you can transcend time and space.
If you can do something with the breath, you will be in the world and also beyond it."
Osho - Meditation the first and last freedom.
This is a step by step practice that is suitable for beginners.
Please set sacred space to practice.
Abdominal Breathing (15 mins)
Begin with this practice and feel welcome to stay with this until it's second nature. It's foundational for all the other practices. Relaxing and preparing the nervous system for pranayama.
Full yogic Breathing (10 mins)
Once you have Abdominal breathing established, move on to this. Learn to breathe a 3 part breath using full lung capacity.
Single Nostril Breathing (15 mins)
So moving on from the last two practices, we get used to breathing consciously, to a count, out of each nostril separately. So eventually we breathe from both sides evenly.
Alternate Nostril Breathing without retention (15 mins)
Next up we practice switching to and from each side - left and right - Ida and Pingala - Sun and Moon - Balancing.
Full Anuloma Viloma (15 mins)
Once all the above practices are established and can be done without strain, you're ready to move on to this. We add the retention to increase prana - as prana concentrates as it rises . We balance out and fully purify the nadis. This pranayama is foundational preparation for all others.
Breath Meditation (15 mins)
"If you can do something with the breath, you will suddenly turn to the present.
If you can do something with the breath, you will attain to the source of life.
If you can do something with the breath, you can transcend time and space.
If you can do something with the breath, you will be in the world and also beyond it."
Osho - Meditation the first and last freedom.
Vishnu mudra
Chin Mudra
Gratitude to Alexis Cartwright's Animal Magic cards.
The subtle, the unseen and unknown.
For breath & for life
The Selendyne.
Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.
Namaste beautiful's,
Love Julie.
Vishnu mudra
Chin Mudra
Gratitude to Alexis Cartwright's Animal Magic cards.
The subtle, the unseen and unknown.
For breath & for life
The Selendyne.
Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.
Namaste beautiful's,
Love Julie.