
Friday, 29 May 2020

Yoga with the Griffin

OM Yogis,

Today I'm working with the mighty Griffin with a practice that takes us steadily towards, and possibly into Full wheel.

 Even though it has felt difficult , even impossible at times, I've always really loved how full wheel looks - Strong and beautiful, a physical  representation of an open shining heart. 
The griffin comes through to help us draw up yang energy. This practice hopes to a empower our light to radiate out, and hold strong to our present strength as a measure of all future outcomes.

A practice for empowerment

Please set a sacred space to support your empowerment!
These practices are best done in succession.

Griffin 1 (21mins)  
Take Surya Mudra for embodiment of vitality. Stretch out to prepare. visualise it done - you're already there!
Suitable for beginners

Griffin 2 (22 mins)
Lunge salutations and standing poses. Climbing the hill.  

Griffin 3 (35 mins) 
Find the summit - Your way in your own good time. Pull up Primal power and enjoy the view!

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

Thanks to,
Alexis Cartwright
Jason Crandell
Alison DeNicola
The griffin.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Yoga with the Bat

OM Yogis,
Today I am hanging out with the beautiful bat.
I'm working with the moon in breath and body - to cool and tune into awareness of the natural cycles.
Prepare to drop into the feminine!

This practice is designed to take us into introspection and inner space.

These practices can stand alone well. 
Done in succession they will give a more rounded experience - like a full moon!
Please set a sacred space to support you.
Although Bat yoga is great at any time of day, it is perfect to do before bed as it systematically takes us into the cycle of night and rest.

Bat 1  (23 mins)
We slow and cool the system right down with Chandra Bhedana breathing.
Moving into viparita karani ( legs up the wall ) to relax us futher.
Followed by some stretches to prepare the body for movement or Moon salutations.
Props : A wall. 
Suitable for beginners

Bat 2 (30 mins) 
Moon salutations.
Moving with attention. Repetition of the cycles take us deeper into our self.

Bat 3 (34 mins)
Night time stretches. Stretching out to embrace the night. 
Props : 2 blocks, a bolster, blankets, eye pillow. 
Suitable for beginners

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

Gratitude to
Alexis Cartwright's animal magic cards
Nareena Gaia - for priestess training.
Jo tastula
Kathryn budig
Tara judelle
The Bats!

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Yoga with the Lion

OM Yogis!
Today I'm practicing with the lion.
Looking at all we are responsible for, or - all that we are shouldering.
Taking time out to broaden the chest that carries a proud, courageous heart.

 A strong yin practice to rejuvenate the shoulders - to support us in leadership roles.
Accessible for sensible beginners.

Please set sacred space to support you. This practice is designed to be done in succession and as a whole. 

Lion 1 (39 mins)

Lion 2 (34 mins)

Lion 3 (34 mins)

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With thanks to,
Tiffany Cruickshank
Alison DeNicola
Alexis Cartwright

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Yoga with the Centaur

OM Yogis.
Today I thankfully practice with the centaur. Symbolic of Chiron 'the wounded healer'.
This practice hopes to be a balm for when we are feeling our wounds. It reminds that when we are 'feeling' wounding , if we can be with it, we give those wounds a chance to surface and be healed.

A practice for healing

Japa Meditation (22 mins)
We begin with some simple Japa. Reciting a kundalini mantra specifically for healing - RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG 108 times.
RA - the sun MA - the moon DA- the earth SA- infinity SAY - The relationship between self and God/universe SO- Merge HUNG - creation/ cosmic intelligence experienced within.
This Mantra is said to be one of the most powerful mantras for healing on this planet. It works by tuning the soul into the vibration of the universe - that is without disease or pain.
You can chant this mantra for your own healing /the planet/ humanity/ relationships or some one that you love.
Suitable for beginners

Followed by a Yin practice to support the lymphatic / immune / and nervous system and give us a space of peace and quiet.
Centaur 1 (32 mins)
Centaur 2 (35 mins)
Props : Please have two block a strap and blankets/ bolster to support.
Suitable for beginners

Finishing with a 'Child of light' Meditation that works with story telling and the cosmic sound OM to connect to the Goddess Gaia and her maternal healing magic.
OM creation/connection story (14 mins)
Suitable for beginners

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

See you in the stars! 

Gratitude to
Alexis Cartwright
Nareena Gaia
Felicia Tomasko
Snatam Kaur
All my wounds
The Centaurs
And Cosmic perfection!

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Yoga with the Stag

OM Yogis,
Today I'm practicing with the Stag. Recognising the ritual of yoga.
Rooting the body and centring into the breath to grow through whatever arises. This is a grounding flow encouraging steadiness, dignity, and spiritual maturity. Feel a strength that's sourced directly from you - become the centre point. Counter confusion and stand sure.

A practice to ground centre and strengthen


Stag 1, 2 & 3 consist of a reasonably strong flow and best done in succession.
Suitable for those who have a regular practice established.
Stag 1 (33 mins)
Stag 2 (28 mins)
Stag 3 (30 mins)

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With thanks to Alexis Cartwright
Nareena Gaia
Kathryn Budig
Rudyard Kipling
A strong centre.
The Stag.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Yoga with the Frilled Necked Lizard

OM Yogis!
Today I'm practicing with the Frilled necked lizard...look at this guy, there's a fella that knows his own worth! Frilled Lizard helps us to develop a healthy sense of self and to value this and trust it.

A practice to build and hold self worth

This practice is in 4 parts. They can be done separately or in succession for maximum impact. 

Please set a sacred space to support you.


Frilled Necked Lizard 1 (37 mins)
We begin with our Hands, looking at what we hold onto and how we hold ourselves.
Then move onto working with the Jaw - when do we speak up, when do we stay quiet. How do we speak to ourselves.
Props - a block and a blanket.
Suitable for beginners 

We then do a practice specifically designed for tender Knees. Knees are shock absorbers for the body. They yield, stand, and move us forward. They often signal us through stiffness or soreness. That we could be taking on too much, and that its time to re-evaluate what this might cost us, in terms of self worth.
Props - A Strap or belt. A block and a blanket
Suitable for beginners 
Please familiarise yourself with Triangle / wide legged fold / and staff pose (dandasana) See pictures below.

Toes and time. Connection gives confidence. Connect to the foundations of the feet. Then reconnect to the knees hands and throat / jaw using mantra and massage.
Props- A lotion / cream / oil for massage
Suitable for beginners 

Self Trust Meditation. This meditation can be done as today's Savasana. It is a perfect compliment to the other sections. When we have a strong sense of self worth we really learn to trust the self. This becomes an anchor to hold us steady when the going gets tough.
Props- Blankets / Eye pillow / socks -whatever helps you feel tucked up and cosy!
Suitable for beginners 

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

Dandasana or staff pose 

 Triangle pose with a block
Wide Leg Fold with blocks

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright
Nareena Gaia
Tias little
Oliva Hsu
Amy appoliti
Sally Kempton
And the Frilled Necked Lizard!

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Yoga with the Scarab

OM Yogis,
Welcome to this practice with the Scarab. Scarab is a symbol of Resurrection and re-birthing a more heart based consciousness. It creates a flow of good fortune reminding us that we have the power to create our hearts desire.

A practice to birth new energy and open up.

Full Video Practice Link

Scarab 1 (13 mins)

Akashi Mudra Practice. Enter into inner space and create a positive shift in 10 mins with this potent mudra practice. please note - One aspect of this mudra is ujjayi breath - Apologies that I assume you guys already know this breath.. I will pop up a separate audio on here to explain this asap.
Suitable for beginners

This is an intermediate asana practice is in 3 parts and it's recommended to do all 3 in succession.
We will be doing a challenging chest opening, back bending flow, interspersed with core work.
Hopefully to leave us feeling shiny and new!  Please note this practice will stimulate your system and leave you feeling wide awake - so don't try it before bed!!

Props: Two blocks.

Scarab 2 (25 mins)
Scarab 3 (20 mins) ... Doh! Sorry lovelies! I say welcome to part 2 instead of part 3.....
Scarab 4 (25 mins)

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With Gratitude to
Alexis Cartwright's - Animal Magic Cards
Kathryn Budig
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
The Scarab.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

bird self

We all belong
We are born to flock together
To sing. To fly to be free.
One day to find our tribe.
To rise up, to rise above.
To soar.
And find, and build, safe nests.
To sing. To fly. To be free.
Sometimes we peck and scratch the dirt.
Sometimes we preen and puff our feathers.
Sometimes we squark or flap about
Sometimes we glide on......
To soar.
And find and build safe nests.
To sing. To Fly. To be free.
And still we all belong.

Yoga with the Crane

OM Yogis!

Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know. - Lao Tzu
The more you know. The more you realise you don't know. - Aristotle

In this practice we will explore the mystery of knowledge!  We will look compassionately, at the mind, and how for most of us it is running on overdrive, often hindering our ability to get still, and to 'know' directly.
We will take time out to write down or draw out the thoughts, and feelings that arise from our practice.

A practice to Slow ourselves down enough to feel peace of mind.

Please set a sacred space and have a pen and paper handy.

These practices could stand alone but are best in succession.

Video Practice

Crane 1 (30 mins)
Asanas : Mountain pose / standing forward fold / Down dog /
Props : please have a wall space ready to lean against. A pen and paper. A cushion of chair to sit on.
Suitable for beginners

Crane 2 (30 mins)
Asanas : Tree / Triangle / half moon / Cobblers / Bridge / Supine twists
Props: A wall space, a block, and a pen and paper.
Note to beginners - As this practice is so very slow and links part one and two, I feel it could be OK for a beginner. You would need to familiarise yourself with the asanas first though - as I just say 'come into triangle / tree etc. You could leave out or adapt any postures that don't suit, as always, and even just sit and listen as a meditation.

Crane 3 (30 mins)
This is a Slow motion meditation with a short savasana
Please be comfortably seated for 20 minutes and have space to lie down afterwards.
Suitable for beginners

Optional extra!
You will finish this practice with some words that arose from it. When you're done, just for fun cross out any of the following words...
I am / Me / mine / yours / you / should / would / aught / Good / bad / Right / Wrong 
Read between the lines a bit and see what might become clear.

Thank you to... and drawing from...
Osho - 'meditation -The first and last freedom'
Alexis Cartwright's - 'animal magic cards'
Nareena Gaia - For consistently reminding me I 'Know' more than I think.
Becky May - Soul buddy.
Sue Owen - Constant Gardener!
David Sye - Slow Motion Meditation.
Rodney Yee - Falling practice.
The Crane.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Yoga with the Butterfly

OM Yogis!

Welcome to this practice with the butterfly. We imagine ourselves new within the chrysalis container of of our practice. This Entire practice is Suitable for Beginners. 

A practice for when we are feeling delicate, or in need of a little escapism!

Best in succession but could stand alone.

Please set a sacred space - create your own chrysalis!

Props needed - two blocks or a rolled up towel / blanket. A strap or a belt / robe tie would do.

Inner beauty relaxation (13 mins)
This can be done on its own lying down or in a chair or seated in meditation.
For a super luxurious yoga practice - do this as an opening Savasana (relaxation lying down).

Butterfly part 1 (30 mins)
Very gentle asanas - all explained OK ( hopefully! lol)

Butterfly Part 2 (35 mins)
More of the same - super gentle and light hearted healing and transformation!

This is an alternative to Fish on blocks (in part 2) Rolled up towel along length of spine..Ahhhh Bisto!

Or you can  do supported fish - legs bent or extended!
low block behind shoulders, high block behind head for beginners - opposite to this picture if needs be!

Big thanks to
Rodney Yee and his 'playful practice'
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic'
Gemma Cook - Happiness and Joy!!
Liz Elliot - Beautiful Blue Butterfly!!
Laurie Williams - For all the best Games growing up!!
Caterpillars, Imaginal Goo, and Butterflies!

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.