OM Yogis!
Welcome to a practice with the Owl.
This practice looks at the Neck and upper spine.
We look at the importance of being in truth with the body.
So we can gain wisdom and optimal healing for this delicate but oh so important area.
A series of gentle movements with maximum awareness teaches ..
Attention = Love & Kindness = Healing.
Practice Wisely.
A practice to help us to be in our truth and wind our necks in!!
Very gentle movements to get us started.
Owl part 2 (20 mins)
Standing section of the practice, have a block or two handy.
Owl part 3 (30 mins)
Back to the floor to finish
Owl Part 4 (5 mins)
Shitali Pranayama with neck awareness.
Suitable for beginners
If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website
With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic cards'
Rod Stryker
The Owls.
Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.
Namaste beautiful's,
Love Julie.
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.
Namaste beautiful's,
Love Julie.