
Monday, 31 August 2020

yoga with the phoenix


OM Yogis,

Today I'm looking at rise and fall with the help of the phoenix. Phoenix helps us to understand that every significant shift we make is borne of purging and re-balancing. In order to rise - we often have to fall.

Video Practice

Phoenix 1 (24 mins) We meditate in Savasana Mountain Standing forward fold and Downward facing dog.

(Props - A block and a wall )

Phoenix 2 (24 mins) Feeling through Hero Tree triangle and half moon balance.

(Props - A block and a wall )

Phoenix 3  (15 mins) We take a meditation with fire allowing for a deep purging and transmutation of negativity so we can re-emerge in our highest possible form.

(Props - A chair or props for seated meditaton) 

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic cards'
Rodney yee "A falling practice" 
The Phoenix

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Yoga with the Pegasus

 OM Yogis
Welcome to a practice with the Pegasus. We explore the untarnished heart as the home of clarity and integrity, qualities synonymous with this legendary creature. 


Pegasus 1 (30 mins)  Using postures to build connection to heart space. 

(Props - 2 blocks)

Pegasus 2 (16 mins) an interlude of rest ,stretch and pranayama to access the back door of the heart. 

(Props - Wall space)

Pegasus 3 (40 mins) Fly through more postures - purifying any obstacle to the heart of integrity.

(Props - Rolled up blanket)

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic cards'
The Pegasus
Every divine human heart

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Yoga with the Hummingbird

OM Yogis, 

Today Hummingbird supports us to protect our inner territory and strengthen our sense of self as we manoeuvre between postures.

Hummingbird 1 (28 Mins) 

Hummingbird 2 (35 Mins)

Hummingbird 3 (30 Mins)


If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic cards'
The Hummingbird

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.

Friday, 28 August 2020

Yoga with the Tiger


OM Yogis,

Today we stalk the breath with the beautiful tiger. We look at the balance of polarity and ask are we strong enough to hold it all, and stay even in ourselves?


tiger 1  (14 mins)

tiger 2  (22 mins)

tiger 3  (20 mins)

tiger 4  (25 mins)

tiger 5  (25 mins)

If this practice resonates with you and you feel drawn to go deeper please check out my website

With Thanks to
Alexis Cartwright's 'Animal magic cards'
The tiger.

Please Note -
These Practices are recorded as rough drafts!
They are imperfect and need polishing... But I love them and feel they are worth a share!
Most of the asana practices on this blog are intended for the progression of an established practice of yoga. Over time I will try to add more stuff that is suitable for beginners. This will be clearly labelled as Suitable for beginners.
Its worth revisiting this blog if you are interested in this, as I will be adding more beginners practices to each session as time goes by.

Namaste beautiful's,

Love Julie.