
Monday, 6 January 2020

buffalo magic

Buffalo Magic.

Synonymous with the buffalo are the first Americans . I can hardly separate the two. For me, one conjures up an image of the other. 

I recall reading about  'give-away' and being touched by this. A medicine man described how it was not in the accumulation of things that a man was considered honourable or wealthy. Rather it was shown by what he gave away. What a person could give, instead of how much one had.  This makes me feel warm inside.

I think about how we give. 
Do we make a song and dance? 

Is the song and dance honouring of the other, deeply personal, private, sacred, or ceremonial in nature?  
Or does it magnify the identity and ego, making us 'ever such kind people'  'giving at our own expense' ' martyrs for the cause'  and 'Oh so spiritual ?'

How do we sing? How do we dance? Is it kind? Is it noble? Is it real? 

I think about the buffalo.   

This magnificent animal, 'all of our relatives', Gave so much to the lives of these indigenous peoples.
Food, Warmth, shelter, life. He gave all this steadily. Without fuss. Without advertisement. He carried the burden/honour  of being ' Buffalo ' with longevity, and such quiet dignity. With the greatest integrity. And his people respected him for this. Such a powerful precious creature.

The buffalo perhaps understood the 'give away' better than I could ever hope to. 

I pray that I am able to give better. Remembering, Its not just what I give, but how I give, and why I give that counts.

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