
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Turtle magic.

My body is borrowed.
This is my 'Earth body' and in relaxation I give it back. I surrender it back to the Earth where sooner of later it shall return. The Earth wants to hold her borrowed body - so that she can bring us both into resonance. This is healing for us both. When I hand myself over.
I feel the sea - in the waves of my breath. As I tune into the ocean of breath I feel more watery in my body. The dryness and rigidity is countered. A deep tide of expansion washes over me.
As I stand on the ground and push my feet downwards I stand strong in communion with Gaia. I bow to her, I feel a deep reverence for that which I stand for. There is strength in this. I feel her strength.
I sing down into my roots, dropping the notes deep into Gaia. Drawing her up, the notes raise to the top of my head. I am in conversation with the great mother. And it is good.
The roots speak of survival. I follow them into the confusion, what to do, who to believe, which way do I go. I feel the fear, can she cope? I feel tightness, tightness of fear gripping around my heart. And she speaks - 'Give it to me child of Gaia, give me back your earth body, surrender the fear , let go your confusion, soften yourself, give me space to heal us'
I lie back, I fall back, back into love, again and again, I fall in love with Gaia. We become one in love.
I dive into an ocean of love. In the waters of love, dry rocks become tiny pebbles, grains of sand. And Fear dissolves. I am out of fear. I am in love. And it is good.
This love gives me different eyes, I see beautiful Gaia all around me. She is in the clothes on my back, the floor of this house, and the books on the shelf.  All material things. All the borrowed things.
I sit up alert to her, with tears in my eyes, and I kiss the borrowed floor, I kiss my borrowed hands.
I feel love. I tell her I love her. I promise not to hurt her. I promise to serve her.
This is healing for us both.
Gaia reminds me everything is borrowed. Take care of it. Receive this abundance with gratitude. Give back gracefully, Never waste. Be respectful. Steer clear of fear, it is a dry barren land. Be kind. Dive into the deepest waters of your heart.  Again and again and again remember what is borrowed and Fall back into Love. Lie on the earth, connect to the earth. From time to time, Give back your borrowed body.
My body belongs to her. It all belongs to her. Remind yourself everyday. Fall in love over and over. head over heels in love. Be humble in love, humbled by love, rolling in the waves of love, ride the currents of love.

And Let love - be the roots of all action.

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