
Wednesday, 18 March 2020


The eyes are the windows of the soul, But how often do we really clean these windows?

How often do we close our eyes and let them clear, opening them afresh to old problems - so that we can find new solutions?

Can we really look at things consistently with new eyes and clean vision? Of course! We were born to learn this.

 Or are we stuck with old filters - dirty windows that distort and degrade the world in which we live? No way!

'We do not see the world as it is - we see the world as we are. 'Wise words. Read and re-read.

We have filters - personal pairs of broken cracked and worn out glasses - dirty windows  that cloud our eyes to what is real.

We don't always see each colour.

for example;

In fear - outside becomes a threat - we go into survival - the ability to respond aka responsibility becomes impossible - we react - from the lowest parts of the self - we tread on others to rise ourselves out .We shout at the world through dirty windows and broken glasses- we become a mad person.


We can be manipulated and deceived by others yes - but more so by our own self. - We hijack our selves.  Fear tricks us! Our own karma is written and dictates. Our own filters. Our own muck. Becomes a stinky path to follow!


We need to Clear the fear?


To do this, we must develop habits and practices that are clean and healthy. We must become spiritually clean.
We must clear our fear and our lower emotions,  before we can have clarity. Otherwise we are blind to what really IS.

We have to close our eyes and get still. We have to recognise what is inside of us - influencing us - that is NOT us. And allow that to clear.

How do we Clear it?  We FEEL it. I'm Afraid so!...... hmmm..Im

So  hold it in the light of our awareness - and that light reveals the dirt - so the suppressed emotions that created the mess can run through us efficiently, and clear quickly.

Then we can see with clarity.

We have to close our eyes and get still enough so we can hear our own messages - our own wisdom - our own voice. We have to make connection with the peace and wholeness of self.

Then we can act with clarity.

Dear ones we FEEL so we can heal. This is heart based consciousness. This is Sanity. This is clarity.

We can no more shut down the heart to think our way through.

The mind is exhausted overworked and frantic trying its best to find a solution in isolation behind dirty windows alone - in fear. The mind solves problems it quantifies and organises and it is doomed to failure without the help of heart.

So Take heart, be in wholeheartedness , have courage - this word and its implications being rooted in the heart. 

Stay connected.  let the heart clean the windows so the mind can function in a healthy way.

May we all remember how to feel.
May we get still and find a path to the heart.
May our light refresh our eyes, ignite our soul.
May we see the world through the light that we are. And may we hold that light to guide others.
May we choose our light when all seems dark.

May we have clarity.

May the dragonfly colours surround you.
May you see them!


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