
Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Reciprocity - The magic of trees

Today, someone I love was stubborn with me. She was struggling.
I felt my own impatience, my own frustrations, my own stubbornness swirling around my insides in reaction to her. I allow those feelings. They are not wrong. I cease to make myself wrong because of them. I hold those feelings close.  I recognise that they are mine.

They are mine.

 I refuse to project them onto her. She is a child. She is in distress the last thing she needs is my feelings too. Then divinity smiles . I move through my own difficulty. And I understand hers.
I don't have to try to love her, I just do. I love her in this moment, when she needs me to love her the most, because I have embraced myself -warts and all.
In every awareness I give to myself , the other receives.
This perfect stubborn angry child gave me a lesson, I'm blessed to receive.
There is no giving without receiving. There is no receiving without giving.
This is reciprocity. The magic of trees.